As you wear your denture, you gradually lose the bony structure that supports your soft tissues, i.e., your gums. Because your soft tissues actually make contact with your dentures, they will also begin to recede over time. This leaves you in a constant state of discomfort and difficulty with important everyday functions like speaking, chewing and especially smiling.
When you come in for your denture stabilization, your dentist will place a few implants in strategically chosen areas in your jaw bone to hold your dentures permanently in place.
After placing the implants into your jaw bone, we will adjust your dentures to ensure they attach to the implants. In one simple procedure, all the discomfort of dentures can be entirely eliminated! There is overwhelming evidence that stabilized dentures should be the first choice standard of care for denture wearers, and we will be happy to provide them for you. In fact, studies show that even patients with some bone loss can benefit from denture stabilization.
If you are considering implant-supported dentures in Brick, NJ, please do not hesitate to contact us at Cambridge Dental Group today to schedule an appointment with our team of dentists.
To learn more or schedule an appointment with your dentist in Toms River, NJ, please do not hesitate to contact Cambridge Dental Group today! Simply call us now, send us an email or fill out our online contact form, and we will be happy to address any of your questions or concerns.