Going green isn’t just good for the planet; it’s good for our patients as well. Here are just some ways our office tries to do our part in keeping our patients and our environment healthy.
Using digital imaging technology instead of conventional x-rays, not only exposes patients to 90% less radiation, but also eliminates the need for toxic chemicals associated with developing conventional x-rays.
Our records, radiographs, patient education, insurance claims, and patient correspondences (recalls/appointment confirmation) are done electronically, conserving paper any way we can.
An amalgam Separator receptacle ensures sound disposal of old mercury fillings to prevent pollution to our local waterways.
LED lighting is used on the dental chairs, on the dentist’s loupes (magnifying eyewear), and in the office. In addition to eliminating the inconvenience and expense of bulb replacement, LED lighting consumes 70-80% less energy than halogen technology.
Our office recycles cardboard, paper, plastic, and glass. This lessens roughly 75% of what would have gone in our land fill.
To learn more or schedule an appointment with your dentist in Toms River, NJ, please do not hesitate to contact Cambridge Dental Group today! Simply call us now, send us an email or fill out our online contact form, and we will be happy to address any of your questions or concerns.